Award-winning Writer of Poetry and Fiction

The Fun of Virtual Workshops: Taking an Online Writing Course

typeBusy working moms who need to write and also communicate with a writing community but are short on time and resources can turn to online writing classes. They are a convenient way to learn, share, and build new relationships with follow writers. Most, if not all courses, allow you to make your own hours. A six-week online novel writing course from Curtis Brown Creative, out of London consists of short well-produced videos and focused tasks that are then shared with other students. Each week the instructors choose the work of several students to critique. The online platform is easy to use and attractive. I am currently in this course and am surprised at the high quality of work from all of the students, as well as their friendliness and openness. Though not free, the price is reasonable and no more than a class at the local writer’s center. For people who have trouble carving out learning time from motherly and work duties, this kind of online course set-up is brilliant.

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